Greek Salad with roasted bread and vegetables

Hello, today we will see another Greek mixture. We can eat it as a salad or appetizer! It's very tasty and very health. Let's see..

Fried Shrimps in Beer's porridge

Below, I give you a very tasty recipe with shrimp, as an appetizer or as main course. We can accompany them perfectly with fried potatoes or with rice. Let's see..

Spinach with rice

Today, we will see a very tasty and misunderstood recipe by our children, the spinach with rice (Σπανακόρυζο - Spanakorizo). It has a great value in our diet due to its high content of B-vitamin C, but has not managed to be loved by our children's stomachs. Let see a recipe together, for a very tasty spinach with vegetables and lemon.

Greek Olive Oils - Categories - Properties

Standard olive oil is available for consumption in four main categories, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Virgin Olive Oil, Olive Oil
Composed of refined olive oil and virgin olive oil and pomace, which must appear on the packaging, but also types of oils with special features, with more or less treated like Green olive oil, organic olive oil, aromatic oils.